Cornet ED88TPlus Tri-Mode 電磁波量度儀
Cell towers | Smart meters | WiFi signal strength meter | Microwave ovens | Power lines | Transformers | Home appliances
A Tri-mode meter for up to 8GHz/10KHz
(0.1-8GHz) RF/LF Electrosmog field strength power meter with build-in Gauss meter and E-Field function (Tri mode) with sound output and USB PC connection
- Electromagnetic field strength measurement. both low frequency and high frequency.
- Mobile phone base station radiation power Density safety measurement.
- Telecommunications(CW,TDMA,GSM,DECT).
- RF safety measurement.
- RF power measurement for transmitters.
- Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) detection, installations.
- Smart meters
- Spy camera, wireless bug finder.
- Cellular/cordless phone radiation safety level.
- Microwave oven leakage detection.
- Electric and magnetic field measurement.
- E-field mode: measured ELF electric field strength is shown on the digital LCD display with V/m.
- Personal living environment EMF safety.
- Data logging via USB to PC connection software.
- Tri operation mode: RF power meter mode, LF Gauss meter mode and LF E-Field mode.
- RF Frequecy range: 100MHz to 8GHz (RF meter), (-60dBm to +5dBm),(0.5uw/m2 to 1.8w/m2), (14mv/m to 26.2v/m).
- Shows the broadcast frequency (100MHz - 2.7GHz) range.
- LF1: 50Hz to 10KHz (0.1uT to 60uT)/(1mG to 600mG).
- LF2: 50Hz to 1KHz (0.01uT to 1uT)/(0.1mG to 10mG).
- E-field bandwidth of 50Hz-50KHz with sensitivity of 10v/m to 1000v/m.
- Peak power density measurement 1.5uW/m2 to 0.58W/m2.
- LCD Backlight: 15 seconds auto-off and manual on/off control.
- LCD Histogram and bar display to display power density level.
- Sampling rate: 10,000/sec. Display update rate: 2/sec.
- Error rate: +/- 3.5dBm, LF: 20%, E-field: 25%.
- Analog RF(AM,FM) and Digital burst RF(GSM,TDMA,CDMA,DECT, ZigBee, Bluetooth, UWB, WiFi, WiMAX 2.4GHz, 3.6GHz, 5.8GHz).
- Max and Hold function, mW/m2, V/m, dBm, mG, uT.
- Average, Sound output, audio Alarm function. - Calibration correction.
- Earphone port.
- Volume control.
- USB connection for data communiation and power supply.
- Audio Sound ON/OFF control, programmable Alarm
triggering level.
- Accurate, easy to use device, excellent for personal Electrosmog exposure evaluation for living environment, such as close by Mobile phone base station.
- Build-in Sensing Antenna.
- Small, compact handheld design, 69mmX110mm.
- Battery operated (9V DC)
- Constant power option via USB.